Theory Coupled_Simulation

theory Coupled_Simulation
imports Weak_Relations
section ‹Coupled Similarity›

theory Coupled_Simulation
  imports Weak_Relations

context lts_tau

subsection ‹Van Glabbeeks's Coupled Simulation›
text ‹We mainly use van Glabbeek's coupled simulation from his 2017 CSP paper @{cite "glabbeek2017"}.
  Later on, we will compare it to other definitions of coupled (delay/weak) simulations.›

definition coupled_simulation ::
  ‹('s ⇒ 's ⇒ bool) ⇒ bool›
  ‹coupled_simulation R  ≡ ∀ p q . 
    R p q ⟶ 
      (∀ p' a. p ⟼a p' ⟶ 
        (∃ q'. R p' q' ∧ q ⇒^a q')) ∧
      (∃ q'. q ⟼*tau q' ∧ R q' p)›

abbreviation coupled_simulated_by :: ‹'s ⇒ 's ⇒ bool› ("_ ⊑cs  _" [60, 60] 65)
  where ‹coupled_simulated_by p q ≡ ∃ R . coupled_simulation R ∧ R p q›
abbreviation coupled_similar :: ‹'s ⇒ 's ⇒ bool› ("_ ≡cs  _" [60, 60] 65)
  where ‹coupled_similar p q ≡ p ⊑cs q ∧ q ⊑cs p›

text ‹We call ‹⊑cs› "coupled simulation preorder" and ‹≡cs› coupled similarity.›

subsection ‹Position between Weak Simulation and Weak Bisimulation›

text ‹Coupled simulations are special weak simulations, and symmetric weak bisimulations also
  are coupled simulations.›

lemma coupled_simulation_weak_simulation:
  ‹coupled_simulation R =
    (weak_simulation R ∧ (∀ p q . R p q ⟶ (∃ q'. q ⟼*tau q' ∧ R q' p)))›
  unfolding coupled_simulation_def weak_simulation_def by blast

corollary coupled_simulation_implies_weak_simulation:
  assumes ‹coupled_simulation R›
  shows ‹weak_simulation R›
  using assms unfolding coupled_simulation_weak_simulation ..

corollary coupledsim_enabled_subs:
    ‹p ⊑cs q›
    ‹weak_enabled p a›
    ‹¬ tau a›
  shows ‹weak_enabled q a›
  using assms weak_sim_enabled_subs coupled_simulation_implies_weak_simulation by blast

lemma coupled_simulation_implies_coupling:
    ‹coupled_simulation R›
    ‹R p q›
    ‹∃ q'. q ⟼*tau q' ∧ R q' p›
  using assms unfolding coupled_simulation_weak_simulation by blast

lemma weak_bisim_implies_coupled_sim_gla17:
    wbisim:   ‹weak_bisimulation R› and
    symmetry: ‹⋀ p q . R p q ⟹ R q p›
    ―‹symmetry is needed here, which is alright because bisimilarity is symmetric.›
  shows ‹coupled_simulation R›
unfolding coupled_simulation_def proof safe
  fix p q p' a
  assume ‹R p q› ‹p ⟼a  p'›
  thus ‹∃q'. R p' q' ∧ (q ⇒^a  q')›
    using wbisim unfolding weak_bisimulation_def by simp
  fix p q 
  assume ‹R p q›
  thus ‹∃q'. q ⟼* tau  q' ∧ R q' p› 
    using symmetry steps.refl[of q tau] by auto

subsection ‹Coupled Simulation and Silent Steps›

text ‹Coupled simulation shares important patterns with weak simulation when it comes to the
  treatment of silent steps.›

lemma coupledsim_step_gla17:
  ‹coupled_simulation (λ p1 q1 . q1 ⟼* tau p1)›
  unfolding coupled_simulation_def
  using lts.steps.simps by metis

corollary coupledsim_step:
    ‹p ⟼* tau  q›
    ‹q ⊑cs p›
  using assms coupledsim_step_gla17 by auto

text ‹A direct implication of this is that states on a tau loop are coupled similar.›
corollary strongly_tau_connected_coupled_similar:
    ‹p ⟼* tau  q›
    ‹q ⟼* tau  p›
  shows ‹p ≡cs q›
  using assms coupledsim_step by auto

lemma silent_steps_retain_coupled_simulation:
  ‹coupled_simulation R›
  ‹R p q›
  ‹p ⟼* A  p'›
  ‹A = tau›
shows ‹∃ q' . q ⟼* A q' ∧ R p' q'›
  using assms(1,3,2,4) steps_retain_weak_sim
  unfolding coupled_simulation_weak_simulation by blast

lemma coupled_simulation_weak_premise:
  ‹coupled_simulation R =
   (∀ p q . R p q ⟶
      (∀ p' a. p ⇒^a p' ⟶
        (∃ q'. R p' q' ∧ q ⇒^a q')) ∧
      (∃ q'. q ⟼*tau q' ∧ R q' p))›
  unfolding coupled_simulation_weak_simulation weak_sim_weak_premise by blast

subsection ‹Closure, Preorder and Symmetry Properties›

text ‹The coupled simulation preorder ‹⊑cs› @{emph ‹is›} a preoder and symmetric at the
  stable states.›

lemma coupledsim_union:
    ‹coupled_simulation R1›
    ‹coupled_simulation R2›
    ‹coupled_simulation (λ p q . R1 p q ∨ R2 p q)›
  using assms unfolding coupled_simulation_def by (blast)  
lemma coupledsim_refl:
  ‹p ⊑cs p›
  using coupledsim_step steps.refl by auto
lemma coupledsim_trans:
    ‹p ⊑cs pq›
    ‹pq ⊑cs q›
    ‹p ⊑cs q›
proof -
  obtain R1 where R1_def: ‹coupled_simulation R1› ‹R1 p pq›
    using assms(1) by blast
  obtain R2 where R2_def: ‹coupled_simulation R2› ‹R2 pq q›
    using assms(2) by blast
  define R where R_def: ‹R ≡ λ p q . ∃ pq . (R1 p pq ∧ R2 pq q) ∨ (R2 p pq ∧ R1 pq q)›
  have ‹weak_simulation R› ‹R p q›
    using weak_sim_trans_constructive
      R1_def(2) R2_def(2)
      coupled_simulation_implies_weak_simulation[OF R1_def(1)]
      coupled_simulation_implies_weak_simulation[OF R2_def(1)] 
    unfolding R_def by auto
  moreover have ‹(∀ p q . R p q ⟶ (∃ q'. q ⟼*tau q' ∧ R q' p))›
    unfolding R_def
  proof safe
    fix p q pq
    assume r1r2: ‹R1 p pq› ‹R2 pq q›
    then obtain pq' where ‹R1 pq' p› ‹pq ⟼* tau  pq'›
      using r1r2 R1_def(1) unfolding coupled_simulation_weak_premise by blast
    then moreover obtain q' where ‹R2 pq' q'› ‹q ⟼* tau q'›
      using r1r2 R2_def(1) weak_step_tau_tau[OF `pq ⟼* tau  pq'`] tau_tau
      unfolding coupled_simulation_weak_premise by blast
    then moreover obtain q'' where ‹R2 q'' pq'› ‹q' ⟼* tau  q''›
      using R2_def(1) unfolding coupled_simulation_weak_premise by blast
    ultimately show ‹∃q'. q ⟼* tau  q' ∧ (∃pq. R1 q' pq ∧ R2 pq p ∨ R2 q' pq ∧ R1 pq p)›
      using steps_concat by blast
  next ―‹analogous with R2 and R1 swapped›
    fix p q pq
    assume r2r1: ‹R2 p pq› ‹R1 pq q›
    then obtain pq' where ‹R2 pq' p› ‹pq ⟼* tau  pq'›
      using r2r1 R2_def(1) unfolding coupled_simulation_weak_premise by blast
    then moreover obtain q' where ‹R1 pq' q'› ‹q ⟼* tau q'›
      using r2r1 R1_def(1) weak_step_tau_tau[OF `pq ⟼* tau  pq'`] tau_tau
      unfolding coupled_simulation_weak_premise by blast
    then moreover obtain q'' where ‹R1 q'' pq'› ‹q' ⟼* tau  q''›
      using R1_def(1) unfolding coupled_simulation_weak_premise by blast
    ultimately show ‹∃q'. q ⟼* tau  q' ∧ (∃pq. R1 q' pq ∧ R2 pq p ∨ R2 q' pq ∧ R1 pq p)›
      using steps_concat by blast
  ultimately have ‹R p q› ‹coupled_simulation R›
    using coupled_simulation_weak_simulation by auto
  thus ?thesis by blast

interpretation preorder ‹λ p q. p ⊑cs q› ‹λ p q. p ⊑cs q ∧ ¬(q ⊑cs p)›
  by (standard, blast, fact coupledsim_refl, fact coupledsim_trans)

lemma coupled_similarity_equivalence:
  ‹equivp (λ p q. p ≡cs q)›
proof (rule equivpI)
  show ‹reflp coupled_similar›
    unfolding reflp_def by blast
  show ‹symp coupled_similar›
    unfolding symp_def by blast
  show ‹transp coupled_similar›
    unfolding transp_def using coupledsim_trans by meson

lemma coupledsim_tau_max_eq:
    ‹p ⊑cs q›
    ‹tau_max q›
  shows  ‹p ≡cs q› 
  using assms using coupled_simulation_weak_simulation coupling_tau_max_symm by metis

corollary coupledsim_stable_eq:
    ‹p ⊑cs q›
    ‹stable_state q›
  shows  ‹p ≡cs q› 
  using assms using coupled_simulation_weak_simulation coupling_stability_symm by metis

subsection ‹Coinductive Coupled Simulation Preorder›

text ‹‹⊑cs› can also be characterized coinductively. ‹⊑cs› is the greatest
  coupled simulation.›

coinductive greatest_coupled_simulation :: ‹'s ⇒ 's ⇒ bool›
  where gcs:
    ‹⟦⋀ a p' . p ⟼a p' ⟹ ∃q'. q ⇒^^ a q' ∧ greatest_coupled_simulation p' q'; 
      ∃ q' . q ⟼* tau q' ∧ greatest_coupled_simulation q' p⟧
  ⟹ greatest_coupled_simulation p q›

lemma gcs_implies_gws:
  assumes ‹greatest_coupled_simulation p q›
  shows ‹greatest_weak_simulation p q›
  using assms by (metis greatest_coupled_simulation.cases greatest_weak_simulation.coinduct)

lemma gcs_is_coupled_simulation:
  shows ‹coupled_simulation greatest_coupled_simulation›
  unfolding coupled_simulation_def
proof safe
  ―‹identical to ws›
  fix p q p' a
  assume ih:
    ‹greatest_coupled_simulation p q›
    ‹p ⟼a  p'›
  hence ‹(∀x xa. p ⟼x xa ⟶ (∃q'. q ⇒^^ x  q' ∧ greatest_coupled_simulation xa q'))›
    by (meson greatest_coupled_simulation.simps)
  then obtain q' where ‹q ⇒^^ a  q' ∧ greatest_coupled_simulation p' q'› using ih by blast
  thus ‹∃q'. greatest_coupled_simulation p' q' ∧ q ⇒^a  q'›
    unfolding weak_step_tau2_def by blast
  fix p q
    ‹greatest_coupled_simulation p q›
  thus ‹∃q'. q ⟼* tau  q' ∧ greatest_coupled_simulation q' p›
    by (meson greatest_coupled_simulation.simps)

lemma coupled_similarity_implies_gcs:
  assumes ‹p ⊑cs q›
  shows ‹greatest_coupled_simulation p q›
  using assms
proof (coinduct, simp del: weak_step_tau2_def, safe)
  fix x1 x2 R a xa
  assume ih: ‹coupled_simulation R› ‹R x1 x2› ‹x1 ⟼a  xa›
  then obtain q' where ‹x2 ⇒^^ a  q'› ‹R xa q'›
    unfolding coupled_simulation_def weak_step_tau2_def by blast
  thus ‹∃q'. x2 ⇒^^ a  q' ∧ (xa ⊑cs  q' ∨ greatest_coupled_simulation xa q')›
    using ih by blast
  fix x1 x2 R
  assume ih: ‹coupled_simulation R› ‹R x1 x2›
  then obtain q' where ‹x2 ⟼* tau  q'› ‹R q' x1›
    unfolding coupled_simulation_def by blast
  thus ‹∃q'. x2 ⟼* tau  q' ∧ (q' ⊑cs  x1 ∨ greatest_coupled_simulation q' x1)›
    using ih by blast

lemma gcs_eq_coupled_sim_by:
  shows ‹p ⊑cs q = greatest_coupled_simulation p q›
  using coupled_similarity_implies_gcs gcs_is_coupled_simulation by blast

lemma coupled_sim_by_is_coupled_sim:
    ‹coupled_simulation (λ p q . p ⊑cs q)›
  unfolding gcs_eq_coupled_sim_by using gcs_is_coupled_simulation .

lemma coupledsim_unfold:
  shows ‹p ⊑cs q =
    ((∀a p'. p ⟼a  p' ⟶ (∃q'. q ⇒^a  q' ∧ p' ⊑cs q')) ∧
       (∃q'. q ⟼* tau  q' ∧ q' ⊑cs p))›
  unfolding gcs_eq_coupled_sim_by weak_step_tau2_def[symmetric]
  by (metis lts_tau.greatest_coupled_simulation.simps)

subsection ‹Coupled Simulation Join›

text ‹The following lemmas reproduce Proposition 3 from @{cite glabbeek2017} that internal choice
  acts as a least upper bound within the semi-lattice of CSP terms related by ‹⊑cs› taking ‹≡cs›
  as equality.›

lemma coupledsim_choice_1:
    ‹p ⊑cs q›
    ‹⋀ pq a . pqc ⟼a pq ⟷ (a = τ ∧ (pq = p ∨ pq = q))›
    ‹pqc ⊑cs q›
    ‹q ⊑cs pqc›
proof -
  define R1 where ‹R1 ≡ (λp1 q1. q1 ⟼* tau  p1)›
  have ‹R1 q pqc›
    using assms(2) steps_one_step R1_def by simp
  moreover have ‹coupled_simulation R1›
    unfolding R1_def using coupledsim_step_gla17 .
  ultimately show q_pqc: ‹q ⊑cs pqc› by blast
―‹next case›
  define R where ‹R ≡ λ p0 q0 . p0 = q ∧ q0 = pqc ∨ p0 = pqc ∧ q0 = q ∨ p0 = p ∧ q0 = q›
  hence ‹R pqc q› by blast
  thus ‹pqc ⊑cs  q›
    unfolding gcs_eq_coupled_sim_by
  proof (coinduct, auto)
    fix x1 x2 x xa
    assume ih:
      ‹R x1 x2›
      ‹x1 ⟼x  xa›
    hence ‹x1 = q ∧ x2 = pqc ∨ x1 = pqc ∧ x2 = q ∨ x1 = p ∧ x2 = q› using R_def by auto
    thus ‹∃q'. (tau x ⟶ x2 ⟼* tau  q') ∧
      (¬ tau x ⟶ (∃pq1. x2 ⟼* tau  pq1 ∧
        (∃pq2. pq1 ⟼x  pq2 ∧ pq2 ⟼* tau  q'))) ∧
      (R xa q' ∨ greatest_coupled_simulation xa q')›
    proof safe
      assume ‹x1 = q› ‹x2 = pqc›
      thus ‹∃q'.
        (tau x ⟶ pqc ⟼* tau  q') ∧
        (¬tau x ⟶ (∃pq1. pqc ⟼* tau  pq1 ∧
          (∃pq2. pq1 ⟼x  pq2 ∧ pq2 ⟼* tau  q'))) ∧
        (R xa q' ∨ greatest_coupled_simulation xa q')› 
        using ih `q ⊑cs pqc`
          coupled_simulation_implies_weak_simulation[OF gcs_is_coupled_simulation] 
        unfolding gcs_eq_coupled_sim_by
        by (metis (full_types) weak_sim_ruleformat)
      assume ‹x1 = pqc› ‹x2 = q›
      hence ‹x = τ ∧ (xa = q ∨ xa = p)› using ih(2) assms(2) by blast
      thus ‹∃q'.
        (tau x ⟶ q ⟼* tau  q') ∧
        (¬ tau x ⟶ (∃pq1. q ⟼* tau  pq1 ∧
          (∃pq2. pq1 ⟼x  pq2 ∧ pq2 ⟼* tau  q'))) ∧
        (R xa q' ∨ greatest_coupled_simulation xa q')›
        unfolding gcs_eq_coupled_sim_by[symmetric] 
        using steps.refl[of q tau] `p ⊑cs q` tau_tau
        by auto
      assume ‹x1 = p› ‹x2 = q›
      thus ‹∃q'.
         (tau x ⟶ q ⟼* tau  q') ∧
         (¬ tau x ⟶ (∃pq1. q ⟼* tau  pq1 ∧
            (∃pq2. pq1 ⟼x  pq2 ∧ pq2 ⟼* tau  q'))) ∧
         (R xa q' ∨ greatest_coupled_simulation xa q')›
        using ih `p ⊑cs q`
          coupled_simulation_implies_weak_simulation[OF gcs_is_coupled_simulation] 
        unfolding gcs_eq_coupled_sim_by
        by (metis (full_types) weak_sim_ruleformat)
    fix x1 x2
      ‹R x1 x2›
    hence ‹x1 = q ∧ x2 = pqc ∨ x1 = pqc ∧ x2 = q ∨ x1 = p ∧ x2 = q› using R_def by auto
    thus ‹∃q'. x2 ⟼* tau  q' ∧ (R q' x1 ∨ greatest_coupled_simulation q' x1)›
    proof (auto)
      show ‹∃q'. pqc ⟼* tau  q' ∧ (R q' q ∨ greatest_coupled_simulation q' q)›
        using ‹R pqc q› steps.simps by blast
      show ‹∃q'. q ⟼* tau  q' ∧ (R q' pqc ∨ greatest_coupled_simulation q' pqc)›
        using ‹R1 q pqc› ‹coupled_simulation R1› coupled_similarity_implies_gcs steps.refl
        by blast
      show ‹∃q'. q ⟼* tau  q' ∧ (R q' p ∨ greatest_coupled_simulation q' p)›
        using assms(1) coupled_simulation_weak_simulation
          lts_tau.coupled_similarity_implies_gcs by fastforce

lemma coupledsim_choice_2:
    ‹pqc ⊑cs q› 
    ‹⋀ pq a . pqc ⟼a pq ⟷ (a = τ ∧ (pq = p ∨ pq = q))›
    ‹p ⊑cs q›
proof -
  have ‹pqc ⟼τ p› using assms(2) by blast
  then obtain q' where ‹q ⟼* tau q'› ‹p ⊑cs q'›
    using assms(1) tau_tau unfolding coupled_simulation_def by blast
  then moreover have ‹q' ⊑cs q› using coupledsim_step_gla17 by blast
  ultimately show ?thesis using coupledsim_trans tau_tau by blast

lemma coupledsim_choice_join:
    ‹⋀ pq a . pqc ⟼a pq ⟷ (a = τ ∧ (pq = p ∨ pq = q))›
    ‹p ⊑cs q ⟷ pqc ≡cs q›
  using  coupledsim_choice_1[OF _ assms] coupledsim_choice_2[OF _ assms] by blast

subsection ‹Coupled Delay Simulation›

text ‹‹⊑cs› can also be characterized in terms of coupled delay simulations, which are
 conceptionally simpler than van Glabbeek's coupled simulation definition.›

text ‹In the greatest coupled simulation, ‹τ›-challenges can be answered by stuttering.›
lemma coupledsim_tau_challenge_trivial:
    ‹p ⊑cs q›
    ‹p ⟼* tau p'›
    ‹p' ⊑cs q›
  using assms coupledsim_trans coupledsim_step by blast

lemma coupled_similarity_s_delay_simulation:
  ‹delay_simulation (λ p q. p ⊑cs q)›
  unfolding delay_simulation_def
proof safe
  fix p q R p' a
  assume assms:
    ‹coupled_simulation R›
    ‹R p q›
    ‹p ⟼a p'›
    assume ‹tau a›
    then show ‹p' ⊑cs  q›
      using assms coupledsim_tau_challenge_trivial steps_one_step by blast
  } {
    show ‹∃q'. p' ⊑cs  q' ∧ q =⊳a  q'›
    proof -
      obtain q''' where q'''_spec: ‹q ⇒^a q'''› ‹p' ⊑cs q'''›
        using assms coupled_simulation_implies_weak_simulation weak_sim_ruleformat by metis
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases ‹tau a›)
        case True
        then have ‹q ⟼* tau q'''› using q'''_spec by blast
        thus ?thesis using q'''_spec(2) True assms(1) steps.refl by blast
        case False
        then obtain q' q'' where q'q''_spec:
            ‹q ⟼* tau q'› ‹q' ⟼a q''› ‹q'' ⟼* tau q'''›
          using q'''_spec by blast
        hence ‹q''' ⊑cs q''› using coupledsim_step by blast
        hence ‹p' ⊑cs q''› using q'''_spec(2) coupledsim_trans by blast
        thus ?thesis using q'q''_spec(1,2) False by blast

definition coupled_delay_simulation ::
  ‹('s ⇒ 's ⇒ bool) ⇒ bool›
  ‹coupled_delay_simulation R  ≡
    delay_simulation R ∧ coupling R›

lemma coupled_sim_by_eq_coupled_delay_simulation:
  ‹(p ⊑cs q) = (∃R. R p q ∧ coupled_delay_simulation R)›
  unfolding coupled_delay_simulation_def
  assume ‹p ⊑cs q›
  define R where ‹R ≡ coupled_simulated_by›
  hence ‹R p q ∧ delay_simulation R ∧ coupling R›
    using coupled_similarity_s_delay_simulation coupled_sim_by_is_coupled_sim
        coupled_simulation_implies_coupling ‹p ⊑cs q› by blast
  thus ‹∃R. R p q ∧ delay_simulation R ∧ coupling R› by blast
  assume ‹∃R. R p q ∧ delay_simulation R ∧ coupling R›
  then obtain R where ‹R p q› ‹delay_simulation R› ‹coupling R› by blast
  hence ‹coupled_simulation R›
    using delay_simulation_implies_weak_simulation coupled_simulation_weak_simulation by blast
  thus ‹p ⊑cs q› using ‹R p q› by blast

subsection ‹Relationship to Contrasimulation and Weak Simulation›

text ‹Coupled simulation is precisely the intersection of contrasimulation and weak simulation.›

lemma weak_sim_and_contrasim_implies_coupled_sim:
    ‹contrasim R›
    ‹weak_simulation R›
    ‹coupled_simulation R›
  unfolding coupled_simulation_weak_simulation
  using contrasim_implies_coupling assms by blast

lemma coupledsim_implies_contrasim:
    ‹coupled_simulation R›
    ‹contrasim R›
proof -
  have ‹contrasim_step R›
  unfolding contrasim_step_def
  proof (rule allI impI)+
    fix p q p' a
      ‹R p q ∧ p ⇒^a  p'›
    then obtain q' where q'_def: ‹R p' q'› ‹q ⇒^a  q'›
      using assms unfolding coupled_simulation_weak_premise by blast
    then obtain q'' where q''_def: ‹R q'' p'› ‹q' ⟼* tau  q''›
      using assms unfolding coupled_simulation_weak_premise by blast
    then have ‹q ⇒^a  q''› using q'_def(2) steps_concat by blast
    thus ‹∃q'. q ⇒^a  q' ∧ R q' p'›
      using q''_def(1) by blast
  thus ‹contrasim R› using contrasim_step_seq_coincide_for_sims
      coupled_simulation_implies_weak_simulation[OF assms] by blast 

lemma coupled_simulation_iff_weak_sim_and_contrasim:
  shows ‹coupled_simulation R ⟷ contrasim R ∧ weak_simulation R›
  using weak_sim_and_contrasim_implies_coupled_sim
    coupledsim_implies_contrasim coupled_simulation_weak_simulation by blast

text ‹If there is a sink every state can reach via tau steps, then weak simulation implies
  (and thus coincides with) coupled simulation.›
lemma tau_sink_sim_coupledsim:
    ‹⋀ p . (p ⟼* tau sink)›
    ‹⋀ p . R sink p›
    ‹weak_simulation R›
    ‹coupled_simulation R›
  unfolding coupled_simulation_def
proof safe
  show ‹ ⋀p q p' a. R p q ⟹ p ⟼a  p' ⟹ ∃q'. R p' q' ∧ q ⇒^a  q'›
    using assms(3) unfolding weak_simulation_def by blast
  fix p q
  assume ‹R p q›
  hence ‹q ⟼* tau sink ∧ R sink p›
    using assms(1,2) by blast
  thus ‹∃q'. q ⟼* tau  q' ∧ R q' p› by blast

subsection ‹‹τ›-Reachability (and Divergence)›

text ‹Coupled similarity comes close to (weak) bisimilarity in two respects:›

text ‹If there are no ‹τ› transitions, coupled similarity coincides with bisimilarity.›

text ‹If there are only finite ‹τ› reachable portions, then coupled similarity contains a
  bisimilarity on the ‹τ›-maximal states. (For this,  ‹τ›-cycles have to be ruled out, which, as
  we show, is no problem because their removal is transparent to coupled similarity.) ›

lemma taufree_coupledsim_symm:
    ‹⋀ p1 a p2 . (p1 ⟼a p2 ⟹ ¬ tau a)›
    ‹coupled_simulation R›
    ‹R p q›
  shows ‹R q p›
  using assms(1,3) taufree_contrasim_symm coupledsim_implies_contrasim[OF assms(2)]
  by blast

lemma taufree_coupledsim_weak_bisim:
    ‹⋀ p1 a p2 . (p1 ⟼a p2 ⟹ ¬ tau a)›
    ‹coupled_simulation R›
  shows ‹weak_bisimulation R›
  using assms taufree_contrasim_implies_weak_bisim coupledsim_implies_contrasim[OF assms(2)]
  by blast

lemma coupledsim_stable_state_symm:
    ‹coupled_simulation R›
    ‹R p q›
    ‹stable_state q›
    ‹R q p›
  using assms steps_left unfolding coupled_simulation_def by metis

text ‹In finite systems, coupling is guaranteed to happen through ‹τ›-maximal states.›
lemma coupledsim_max_coupled:
    ‹p ⊑cs q›
    ‹⋀ r1 r2 . r1 ⟼* tau r2 ∧ r2 ⟼* tau r1 ⟹ r1 = r2› ―‹contracted tau cycles›
    ‹⋀ r. finite {r'. r ⟼* tau r'}›
    ‹∃ q' . q ⟼* tau q' ∧ q' ⊑cs p ∧ tau_max q'›
proof -
  obtain q1 where q1_spec: ‹q ⟼* tau q1› ‹q1 ⊑cs p› 
    using assms(1) contrasim_implies_coupling coupledsim_implies_contrasim by fastforce
  then obtain q' where ‹q1 ⟼* tau q'› ‹(∀q''. q' ⟼* tau q'' ⟶ q' = q'')›
    using tau_max_deadlock assms(2,3) by blast
  then moreover have ‹q' ⊑cs p› ‹q ⟼* tau q'›
    using q1_spec coupledsim_trans coupledsim_step steps_concat[of q1 tau q' q]
    by blast+
  ultimately show ?thesis by blast

text ‹In the greatest coupled simulation, ‹a›-challenges can be answered by a weak move without
  trailing ‹τ›-steps. (This property is what bridges the gap between weak and delay simulation for 
  coupled simulation.)›
lemma coupledsim_step_challenge_short_answer:
    ‹p ⊑cs q›
    ‹p ⟼a p'›
    ‹¬ tau a›
    ‹∃ q' q1. p' ⊑cs q' ∧ q ⟼* tau q1 ∧ q1 ⟼a q'›
  using assms
  unfolding coupled_sim_by_eq_coupled_delay_simulation
    coupled_delay_simulation_def delay_simulation_def by blast

text ‹If two states share the same outgoing edges with except for one ‹τ›-loop, then they cannot
  be distinguished by coupled similarity.›
lemma coupledsim_tau_loop_ignorance:
    ‹⋀ a p'. p ⟼a p' ∨ p' = pp ∧ a = τ ⟷ pp ⟼a p'›
    ‹pp ≡cs p›
proof -
  define R where ‹R ≡ λ p1 q1. p1 = q1 ∨ p1 = pp ∧ q1 = p ∨ p1 = p ∧ q1 = pp›
  have ‹coupled_simulation R›
    unfolding coupled_simulation_def R_def
  proof (safe)
    fix pa q p' a
      ‹q ⟼a  p'›
    thus ‹∃q'. (p' = q' ∨ p' = pp ∧ q' = p ∨ p' = p ∧ q' = pp) ∧ q ⇒^a  q'›
      using assms step_weak_step_tau by auto
    fix pa q
    show ‹∃q'. q ⟼* tau  q' ∧ (q' = q ∨ q' = pp ∧ q = p ∨ q' = p ∧ q = pp)›
      using steps.refl by blast
    fix pa q p' a
      ‹pp ⟼a  p'›
    thus ‹∃q'. (p' = q' ∨ p' = pp ∧ q' = p ∨ p' = p ∧ q' = pp) ∧ p ⇒^a  q'›
      using assms by (metis lts.steps.simps tau_def)
    fix pa q
    show ‹∃q'. p ⟼* tau  q' ∧ (q' = pp ∨ q' = pp ∧ pp = p ∨ q' = p ∧ pp = pp)›
      using steps.refl[of p tau] by blast
    fix pa q p' a
      ‹p ⟼a  p'›
    thus ‹∃q'. (p' = q' ∨ p' = pp ∧ q' = p ∨ p' = p ∧ q' = pp) ∧ pp ⇒^a  q'›
      using assms step_weak_step_tau by fastforce
    fix pa q
    show ‹∃q'. pp ⟼* tau  q' ∧ (q' = p ∨ q' = pp ∧ p = p ∨ q' = p ∧ p = pp)›
      using steps.refl[of pp tau] by blast
  moreover have ‹R p pp› ‹R pp p› unfolding R_def by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis by blast

subsection ‹On the Connection to Weak Bisimulation›

text ‹When one only considers steps leading to ‹τ›-maximal states in a system without infinite
  ‹τ›-reachable regions (e.g. a finite system), then ‹≡cs› on these steps is a bisimulation.›

text ‹This lemma yields a neat argument why one can use a signature refinement algorithm to
  pre-select the tuples which come into question for further checking of coupled simulation
  by contraposition.›
lemma coupledsim_eventual_symmetry:
    contracted_cycles: ‹⋀ r1 r2 . r1 ⟼* tau r2 ∧ r2 ⟼* tau r1 ⟹ r1 = r2› and
    finite_taus: ‹⋀ r. finite {r'. r ⟼* tau r'}› and
    cs: ‹p ⊑cs q› and
    step: ‹p ⇒^a p'› and
    tau_max_p': ‹tau_max p'›
    ‹∃ q'. tau_max q' ∧ q ⇒^a q' ∧ p' ≡cs q'›
  obtain q' where q'_spec: ‹q ⇒^a q'› ‹p' ⊑cs q'›
    using cs step unfolding coupled_simulation_weak_premise by blast
  then obtain q'' where q''_spec: ‹q' ⟼* tau q''› ‹q'' ⊑cs p'›
    using cs unfolding coupled_simulation_weak_simulation by blast
  then obtain q_max where q_max_spec: ‹q'' ⟼* tau q_max› ‹tau_max q_max› 
    using tau_max_deadlock contracted_cycles finite_taus by force
  hence ‹q_max ⊑cs p'› using q''_spec coupledsim_tau_challenge_trivial by blast
  hence ‹q_max ≡cs p'› using tau_max_p' coupledsim_tau_max_eq by blast
  moreover have ‹q ⇒^a q_max› using q_max_spec q'_spec q''_spec steps_concat by blast
  ultimately show ?thesis using q_max_spec(2) by blast

text ‹Even without the assumption that the left-hand-side step ‹p ⇒^a p'› ends in a ‹τ›-maximal state,
a situation resembling bismulation can be set up -- with the drawback that it only refers to
a ‹τ›-maximal sibling of ‹p'›.›
lemma coupledsim_eventuality_2:
    contracted_cycles: ‹⋀ r1 r2 . r1 ⟼* tau r2 ∧ r2 ⟼* tau r1 ⟹ r1 = r2› and
    finite_taus: ‹⋀ r. finite {r'. r ⟼* tau r'}› and
    cbisim: ‹p ≡cs q› and
    step: ‹p ⇒^a p'›
    ‹∃ p'' q'. tau_max p'' ∧ tau_max q' ∧ p ⇒^a p'' ∧ q ⇒^a q' ∧ p'' ≡cs q'›
  obtain q' where q'_spec: ‹q ⇒^a q'›
    using cbisim step unfolding coupled_simulation_weak_premise by blast
  then obtain q_max where q_max_spec: ‹q' ⟼* tau q_max› ‹tau_max q_max›
    using tau_max_deadlock contracted_cycles finite_taus by force
  hence ‹q ⇒^a q_max› using q'_spec steps_concat by blast
  then obtain p'' where p''_spec: ‹p ⇒^a p''› ‹q_max ⊑cs p''›
    using cbisim unfolding coupled_simulation_weak_premise by blast
  then obtain p''' where p'''_spec: ‹p'' ⟼* tau p'''› ‹p''' ⊑cs q_max›
    using cbisim unfolding coupled_simulation_weak_simulation  by blast
  then obtain p_max where p_max_spec: ‹p''' ⟼* tau p_max› ‹tau_max p_max›
    using tau_max_deadlock contracted_cycles finite_taus by force
  hence ‹p_max ⊑cs p'''› using coupledsim_step by blast
  hence ‹p_max ⊑cs q_max› using p'''_spec coupledsim_trans by blast
  hence ‹q_max ≡cs p_max› using coupledsim_tau_max_eq q_max_spec by blast
  moreover have  ‹p ⇒^a p_max›
    using  p''_spec(1) steps_concat[OF p_max_spec(1) p'''_spec(1)] steps_concat by blast
  ultimately show ?thesis using p_max_spec(2) q_max_spec(2) `q ⇒^a q_max` by blast

lemma coupledsim_eq_reducible_1:
    contracted_cycles: ‹⋀ r1 r2 . r1 ⟼* tau r2 ∧ r2 ⟼* tau r1 ⟹ r1 = r2› and
    finite_taus: ‹⋀ r. finite {r'. r ⟼* tau r'}› and
      ‹⋀r a r'. r ⟼* tau r' ⟹ ∃r''. tau_max r'' ∧ r ⟼τ r'' ∧ r' ⊑cs r''›  and
      ‹⋀p' a. ¬tau a ⟹ p ⇒^a p' ⟹ ∃p'' q'. q ⇒^a q' ∧ p' ⊑cs q'› and
      ‹⋀p'. tau_max p' ⟹ p ⟼* tau p' ⟹ ∃q'. tau_max q' ∧ q ⟼* tau q' ∧ p' ≡cs q'›
    ‹p ⊑cs q›
    ‹((∀a p'. p ⟼a  p' ⟶ (∃q'. q ⇒^a  q' ∧ p' ⊑cs q')) ∧
    (∃q'. q ⟼* tau  q' ∧ q' ⊑cs p))›
  proof safe
    fix a p'
      step: ‹p ⟼a  p'›
    thus ‹∃q'. q ⇒^a  q' ∧ p' ⊑cs  q'›
    proof (cases ‹tau a›)
      case True
      then obtain p'' where p''_spec: ‹p ⟼τ p''› ‹tau_max p''› ‹p' ⊑cs p''›
        using tau_shortcuts step tau_def steps_one_step[of p τ p']
        by (metis (no_types, lifting))
      then obtain q' where q'_spec: ‹q ⟼* tau q'› ‹p'' ≡cs q'›
        using sim_tau_max_p steps_one_step[OF step, of tau, OF `tau a`]
          steps_one_step[of p τ p''] tau_def
        by metis
      then show ?thesis using `tau a` p''_spec(3) using coupledsim_trans by blast
      case False
      then show ?thesis using sim_vis_p step_weak_step_tau[OF step] by blast
    obtain p_max where ‹p ⟼* tau p_max› ‹tau_max p_max›
      using tau_max_deadlock contracted_cycles finite_taus by blast
    then obtain q_max where ‹q ⟼* tau  q_max› ‹q_max ⊑cs p_max›
      using sim_tau_max_p[of p_max] by force
    moreover have ‹p_max ⊑cs  p› using `p ⟼* tau p_max` coupledsim_step by blast
    ultimately show ‹∃q'. q ⟼* tau  q' ∧ q' ⊑cs  p›
      using coupledsim_trans by blast
  thus ‹p ⊑cs q› using coupledsim_unfold[symmetric] by auto

lemma coupledsim_eq_reducible_2:
    cs: ‹p ⊑cs q› and
    contracted_cycles: ‹⋀r1 r2 . r1 ⟼* tau r2 ∧ r2 ⟼* tau r1 ⟹ r1 = r2› and
    finite_taus: ‹⋀r. finite {r'. r ⟼* tau r'}›
      ‹⋀p' a. ¬tau a ⟹ p ⇒^a p' ⟹ ∃q'. q ⇒^a q' ∧ p' ⊑cs q'› and
      ‹⋀p'. tau_max p' ⟹ p ⟼* tau p' ⟹ ∃q'. tau_max q' ∧ q ⟼* tau q' ∧ p' ≡cs q'›
  fix p' a
    ‹¬ tau a›
    ‹p ⇒^a  p'›
  thus ‹∃q'. q ⇒^a  q' ∧ p' ⊑cs  q'›
    using cs unfolding coupled_simulation_weak_premise by blast
  fix p'
  assume step:
    ‹p ⟼* tau p'›
    ‹tau_max p'›
  hence ‹p ⇒^τ  p'›  by auto
  hence ‹∃ q'. tau_max q' ∧ q ⇒^τ q' ∧ p' ≡cs q'›
    using coupledsim_eventual_symmetry[OF _ finite_taus, of p q τ p']
      contracted_cycles cs step(2) by blast
  thus ‹∃ q'. tau_max q' ∧ q ⟼* tau q' ∧ p' ≡cs q'›
    by auto

subsection ‹Reduction Semantics Coupled Simulation›

text ‹The tradition to described coupled simulation as special delay/weak simulation is quite
  common for coupled simulations on reduction semantics as in @{cite "gp15" and "Fournet2005"},
  of which @{cite "gp15"} can also be found in the AFP @{cite "Encodability_Process_Calculi-AFP"}.
  The notions coincide (in systems just with ‹τ›-transitions).›

definition coupled_simulation_gp15 ::
  ‹('s ⇒ 's ⇒ bool) ⇒ bool›
  ‹coupled_simulation_gp15 R ≡ ∀ p q p'. R p q ∧ (p ⟼* (λa. True) p') ⟶
    (∃ q'. (q ⟼* (λa. True) q') ∧ R p' q') ∧
    (∃ q'. (q ⟼* (λa. True) q') ∧ R q' p')›

lemma weak_bisim_implies_coupled_sim_gp15:
    wbisim: ‹weak_bisimulation R› and 
    symmetry: ‹⋀ p q . R p q ⟹ R q p›
  shows ‹coupled_simulation_gp15 R›
unfolding coupled_simulation_gp15_def proof safe
  fix p q p'
  assume Rpq: ‹R p q› ‹p ⟼* (λa. True)  p'›
  have always_tau: ‹⋀a. tau a ⟹ (λa. True) a› by simp
  hence ‹∃q'. q ⟼* (λa. True)  q' ∧ R p' q'›
    using steps_retain_weak_bisim[OF wbisim Rpq] by auto
  moreover hence ‹∃q'. q ⟼* (λa. True)  q' ∧ R q' p'›
    using symmetry by auto
  ultimately show
    ‹(∃q'. q ⟼* (λa. True)  q' ∧ R p' q')›
    ‹(∃q'. q ⟼* (λa. True)  q' ∧ R q' p')› .

lemma coupledsim_gla17_implies_gp15:
    ‹coupled_simulation R›
    ‹coupled_simulation_gp15 R›
  unfolding coupled_simulation_gp15_def
proof safe
  fix p q p'
  assume challenge:
    ‹R p q›
    ‹p ⟼*(λa. True)p'›
  have tau_true: ‹⋀a. tau a ⟹ (λa. True) a› by simp
  thus ‹∃q'. q ⟼* (λa. True)  q' ∧ R p' q'›
    using steps_retain_weak_sim assms challenge
    unfolding coupled_simulation_weak_simulation by meson
  then obtain q' where q'_def: ‹q ⟼* (λa. True)  q'› ‹R p' q'› by blast
  then obtain q'' where ‹q' ⟼* tau  q''› ‹R q'' p'›
    using assms unfolding coupled_simulation_weak_simulation by blast
  moreover hence ‹q ⟼* (λa. True)  q''›
    using q'_def(1) steps_concat steps_spec tau_true by meson
  ultimately show ‹∃q'. q ⟼* (λa. True)  q' ∧ R q' p'› by blast

lemma coupledsim_gp15_implies_gla17_on_tau_systems:
    ‹coupled_simulation_gp15 R›
    ‹⋀ a . tau a›
    ‹coupled_simulation R›
  unfolding coupled_simulation_def
proof safe
  fix p q p' a
  assume challenge:
    ‹R p q›
    ‹p ⟼a  p'›
  hence ‹p ⟼* (λa. True)  p'› using steps_one_step by metis
  then obtain q' where ‹q ⟼* (λa. True)  q'› ‹R p' q'›
    using challenge(1) assms(1) unfolding coupled_simulation_gp15_def by blast
  hence ‹q ⇒^a  q'› using assms(2) steps_concat steps_spec by meson
  thus ‹∃q'. R p' q' ∧ q ⇒^a  q'› using `R p' q'` by blast
  fix p q
    ‹R p q›
  moreover have ‹p ⟼* (λa. True) p› using steps.refl by blast
  ultimately have ‹∃q'. q ⟼* (λa. True)  q' ∧ R q' p›
    using assms(1) unfolding coupled_simulation_gp15_def by blast
  thus ‹∃q'. q ⟼* tau  q' ∧ R q' p› using assms(2) steps_spec by blast

subsection ‹Coupled Simulation as Two Simulations›

text ‹Historically, coupled similarity has been defined in terms of @{emph ‹two›} weak simulations
  coupled in some way @{cite "sangiorgi2012" and "ps1994"}.
  We reproduce these (more well-known) formulations and show that they are equivalent to the
  coupled (delay) simulations we are using.›

―‹From @{cite "sangiorgi2012"}›
definition coupled_simulation_san12 :: 
  ‹('s ⇒ 's ⇒ bool) ⇒ ('s ⇒ 's ⇒ bool) ⇒ bool›
  ‹coupled_simulation_san12 R1 R2 ≡
    weak_simulation R1 ∧ weak_simulation (λ p q . R2 q p)
  ∧ (∀ p q . R1 p q ⟶ (∃ q' . q ⟼* tau q' ∧ R2 p q'))
  ∧ (∀ p q . R2 p q ⟶ (∃ p' . p ⟼* tau p' ∧ R1 p' q))›
lemma weak_bisim_implies_coupled_sim_san12:
  assumes ‹weak_bisimulation R›
  shows ‹coupled_simulation_san12 R R›
  using assms weak_bisim_weak_sim steps.refl[of _ tau]
  unfolding coupled_simulation_san12_def
  by blast

lemma coupledsim_gla17_resembles_san12:
    ‹coupled_simulation R1 =
    coupled_simulation_san12 R1 (λ p q . R1 q p)›
  unfolding coupled_simulation_weak_simulation coupled_simulation_san12_def by blast

lemma coupledsim_san12_impl_gla17:
    ‹coupled_simulation_san12 R1 R2›
    ‹coupled_simulation (λ p q. R1 p q ∨ R2 q p)›
  unfolding coupled_simulation_weak_simulation
proof safe
  have ‹weak_simulation R1› ‹weak_simulation (λp q. R2 q p)›
    using assms unfolding coupled_simulation_san12_def by auto
  thus ‹weak_simulation (λp q. R1 p q ∨ R2 q p)›
    using weak_sim_union_cl by blast
  fix p q
    ‹R1 p q›
  hence ‹∃q'. q ⟼* tau  q' ∧ R2 p q'›
    using assms unfolding coupled_simulation_san12_def by auto
  thus ‹∃q'. q ⟼* tau  q' ∧ (R1 q' p ∨ R2 p q')› by blast
  fix p q
    ‹R2 q p›
  hence ‹∃q'. q ⟼* tau  q' ∧ R1 q' p›
    using assms unfolding coupled_simulation_san12_def by auto
  thus ‹∃q'. q ⟼* tau  q' ∧ (R1 q' p ∨ R2 p q')› by blast

subsection ‹S-coupled Simulation›

text ‹Originally coupled simulation was introduced as two weak simulations coupled at the stable
  states. We give the definitions from @{cite "parrow1992" and "ps1994"} and a proof connecting
  this notion to "our" coupled similarity in the absence of divergences following
  @{cite "sangiorgi2012"}.›

―‹From @{cite "parrow1992"}›
definition coupled_simulation_p92 :: 
  ‹('s ⇒ 's ⇒ bool) ⇒ ('s ⇒ 's ⇒ bool) ⇒ bool›
  ‹coupled_simulation_p92 R1 R2 ≡ ∀ p q . 
    (R1 p q ⟶ 
      ((∀ p' a. p ⟼a p' ⟶ 
        (∃ q'. R1 p' q' ∧ 
          (q ⇒^a q'))) ∧
      (stable_state p ⟶ R2 p q))) ∧
    (R2 p q ⟶ 
      ((∀ q' a. q ⟼a q' ⟶
        (∃ p'. R2 p' q' ∧ 
          (p ⇒^a p'))) ∧
      (stable_state q ⟶ R1 p q)))›

lemma weak_bisim_implies_coupled_sim_p92:
  assumes ‹weak_bisimulation R›
  shows ‹coupled_simulation_p92 R R›
using assms unfolding weak_bisimulation_def coupled_simulation_p92_def by blast
lemma coupled_sim_p92_symm:
  assumes ‹coupled_simulation_p92 R1 R2›
  shows ‹coupled_simulation_p92 (λ p q. R2 q p) (λ p q. R1 q p)›
using assms unfolding coupled_simulation_p92_def by blast
definition s_coupled_simulation_san12 :: 
  ‹('s ⇒ 's ⇒ bool) ⇒ ('s ⇒ 's ⇒ bool) ⇒ bool›
  ‹s_coupled_simulation_san12 R1 R2 ≡
    weak_simulation R1 ∧ weak_simulation (λ p q . R2 q p)
  ∧ (∀ p q . R1 p q ⟶ stable_state p ⟶ R2 p q)
  ∧ (∀ p q . R2 p q ⟶ stable_state q ⟶ R1 p q)›

abbreviation s_coupled_simulated_by :: ‹'s ⇒ 's ⇒ bool› ("_ ⊑scs  _" [60, 60] 65)
  where ‹s_coupled_simulated_by p q ≡
    ∃ R1 R2 . s_coupled_simulation_san12 R1 R2 ∧ R1 p q›
abbreviation s_coupled_similar :: ‹'s ⇒ 's ⇒ bool› ("_ ≡scs  _" [60, 60] 65)
  where ‹s_coupled_similar p q ≡
    ∃ R1 R2 . s_coupled_simulation_san12 R1 R2 ∧ R1 p q ∧ R2 p q›

lemma s_coupled_sim_is_original_coupled:
  ‹s_coupled_simulation_san12 = coupled_simulation_p92›
unfolding coupled_simulation_p92_def
  s_coupled_simulation_san12_def weak_simulation_def by blast
corollary weak_bisim_implies_s_coupled_sim:
  assumes ‹weak_bisimulation R›
  shows ‹s_coupled_simulation_san12 R R›
  using assms s_coupled_sim_is_original_coupled weak_bisim_implies_coupled_sim_p92 by simp
corollary s_coupled_sim_symm:
  assumes ‹s_coupled_simulation_san12 R1 R2›
  shows ‹s_coupled_simulation_san12 (λ p q. R2 q p) (λ p q. R1 q p)›
  using assms coupled_sim_p92_symm s_coupled_sim_is_original_coupled by simp
corollary s_coupled_sim_union_cl:
    ‹s_coupled_simulation_san12 RA1 RA2›
    ‹s_coupled_simulation_san12 RB1 RB2›
    ‹s_coupled_simulation_san12 (λ p q. RA1 p q ∨ RB1 p q) (λ p q. RA2 p q ∨ RB2 p q)›
  using assms weak_sim_union_cl unfolding s_coupled_simulation_san12_def by auto
corollary s_coupled_sim_symm_union:
  assumes ‹s_coupled_simulation_san12 R1 R2›
  shows ‹s_coupled_simulation_san12 (λ p q. R1 p q ∨ R2 q p) (λ p q. R2 p q ∨ R1 q p)›
  using s_coupled_sim_union_cl[OF assms s_coupled_sim_symm[OF assms]] .

lemma s_coupledsim_stable_eq:
    ‹p ⊑scs q›
    ‹stable_state p›
  shows  ‹p ≡scs q› 
proof -
  obtain R1 R2 where
      ‹R1 p q›
      ‹weak_simulation R1›
      ‹weak_simulation (λp q. R2 q p)›
      ‹∀p q. R1 p q ⟶ stable_state p ⟶ R2 p q›
      ‹∀p q. R2 p q ⟶ stable_state q ⟶ R1 p q›
    using assms(1)  unfolding s_coupled_simulation_san12_def by blast
  moreover hence ‹R2 p q› using assms(2) by blast
  ultimately show ?thesis unfolding s_coupled_simulation_san12_def by blast

lemma s_coupledsim_symm:
    ‹p ≡scs q› 
    ‹q ≡scs p› 
  using assms s_coupled_sim_symm by blast

lemma s_coupledsim_eq_parts:
    ‹p ≡scs q›
    ‹p ⊑scs q›
    ‹q ⊑scs p›
  using assms s_coupledsim_symm by metis+

―‹From @{cite "sangiorgi2012"}, p.~226›
lemma divergence_free_coupledsims_coincidence_1:
    ‹R1 ≡ (λ p q . p ⊑cs q ∧ (stable_state p ⟶ stable_state q))› and
    ‹R2 ≡ (λ p q . q ⊑cs p ∧ (stable_state q ⟶ stable_state p))›
    non_divergent_system: ‹⋀ p . ¬ divergent_state p›
    ‹s_coupled_simulation_san12 R1 R2›
  unfolding s_coupled_simulation_san12_def
proof safe
  show ‹weak_simulation R1› unfolding weak_simulation_def
  proof safe
    fix p q p' a
    assume sub_assms:
      ‹R1 p q›
      ‹p ⟼a  p'›
    then obtain q' where q'_def: ‹q ⇒^a q'› ‹p' ⊑cs q'›
      using coupled_sim_by_is_coupled_sim unfolding R1_def coupled_simulation_def by blast
    show ‹∃q'. R1 p' q' ∧ q ⇒^a  q'›
    proof (cases ‹stable_state p'›)
      case True
      obtain  q'' where q''_def: ‹q' ⟼* tau q''› ‹q'' ⊑cs  p'›
        using coupled_sim_by_is_coupled_sim q'_def(2)
        unfolding coupled_simulation_weak_simulation by blast
      then obtain q''' where q'''_def: ‹q'' ⟼* tau q'''› ‹stable_state q'''›
        using non_divergence_implies_eventual_stability non_divergent_system by blast
      hence ‹q''' ⊑cs p'›
        using coupledsim_step_gla17 coupledsim_trans[OF _ q''_def(2)] by blast
      hence ‹p' ⊑cs q'''›
        using `stable_state p'` coupled_sim_by_is_coupled_sim coupledsim_stable_state_symm
        by blast
      moreover have ‹q ⇒^a q'''› using q'_def(1) q''_def(1) q'''_def(1) steps_concat by blast
      ultimately show ?thesis using q'''_def(2) unfolding R1_def by blast
      case False
      then show ?thesis using q'_def unfolding R1_def by blast
  ―‹analogous to previous case›
  then show ‹weak_simulation (λp q. R2 q p)› unfolding R1_def R2_def .
  fix p q
    ‹R1 p q›
    ‹stable_state p›
  thus ‹R2 p q›
    unfolding R1_def R2_def 
    using coupled_sim_by_is_coupled_sim coupledsim_stable_state_symm by blast
next ―‹analogous›
  fix p q
    ‹R2 p q›
    ‹stable_state q›
  thus ‹R1 p q›
    unfolding R1_def R2_def 
    using coupled_sim_by_is_coupled_sim coupledsim_stable_state_symm by blast

―‹From @{cite "sangiorgi2012"}, p.~227›
lemma divergence_free_coupledsims_coincidence_2:
    ‹R ≡ (λ p q . p ⊑scs q ∨ (∃ q' . q ⟼* tau q' ∧ p ≡scs q'))›
    non_divergent_system: ‹⋀ p . ¬ divergent_state p›
    ‹coupled_simulation R›
  unfolding coupled_simulation_weak_simulation
proof safe
  show ‹weak_simulation R› 
    unfolding weak_simulation_def
  proof safe
    fix p q p' a
    assume sub_assms:
      ‹R p q›
      ‹p ⟼a  p'›
    thus ‹∃q'. R p' q' ∧ q ⇒^a  q'›
      unfolding R_def
    proof (cases ‹p ⊑scs q›)
      case True
      then obtain q' where ‹p' ⊑scs  q'› ‹q ⇒^a  q'›
        using s_coupled_simulation_san12_def sub_assms(2) weak_sim_ruleformat by metis
      thus ‹∃q'. (p' ⊑scs  q' ∨ (∃q'a. q' ⟼* tau  q'a ∧ p' ≡scs  q'a)) ∧ q ⇒^a  q'›
        by blast
      case False
      then obtain q' where ‹q ⟼* tau  q'› ‹p ≡scs  q'›
          using sub_assms(1) unfolding R_def by blast
      then obtain q'' where ‹q' ⇒^a  q''› ‹p' ⊑scs  q''› 
        using s_coupled_simulation_san12_def sub_assms(2) weak_sim_ruleformat by metis
      hence ‹p' ⊑scs  q'' ∧ q ⇒^a  q''› using steps_concat `q ⟼* tau  q'` by blast
      thus ‹∃q'. (p' ⊑scs  q' ∨ (∃q'a. q' ⟼* tau  q'a ∧ p' ≡scs  q'a)) ∧ q ⇒^a  q'›
        by blast
  fix p q
    ‹R p q›
  thus ‹∃q'. q ⟼* tau  q' ∧ R q' p› unfolding R_def
  proof safe
    fix R1 R2
    assume sub_assms:
      ‹s_coupled_simulation_san12 R1 R2›
      ‹R1 p q›
    thus ‹∃q'. q ⟼* tau  q' ∧ (q' ⊑scs  p ∨ (∃q'a. p ⟼* tau  q'a ∧ q' ≡scs  q'a))›
    proof -
      ―‹dropped a superfluous case distinction from @cite{sangiorgi2012}›
      obtain p' where ‹stable_state p'› ‹p ⟼* tau p'›
        using non_divergent_system non_divergence_implies_eventual_stability by blast
      hence ‹p ⇒^τ  p'› using tau_tau by blast
      then obtain q' where ‹q ⟼* tau q'› ‹p' ⊑scs q'›
        using s_coupled_simulation_san12_def weak_sim_weak_premise sub_assms tau_tau
        by metis
      moreover hence ‹p' ≡scs q'› using `stable_state p'` s_coupledsim_stable_eq by blast
      ultimately show ?thesis using `p ⟼* tau p'` s_coupledsim_symm by blast
  qed (metis s_coupledsim_symm)

text ‹While this proof follows @{cite "sangiorgi2012"}, we needed to deviate from them by also
  requiring rootedness (shared stability) for the compared states.›
theorem divergence_free_coupledsims_coincidence:
    non_divergent_system: ‹⋀ p . ¬ divergent_state p› and
    stability_rooted: ‹stable_state p ⟷ stable_state q›
    ‹(p ≡cs q) = (p ≡scs q)›
proof rule
  assume ‹p ≡cs q›
  hence ‹p ⊑cs q› ‹q ⊑cs p› by auto
  thus ‹p ≡scs q›
    using stability_rooted divergence_free_coupledsims_coincidence_1[OF non_divergent_system]
    by blast
  assume ‹p ≡scs q›
  thus ‹p ≡cs q›
    using stability_rooted divergence_free_coupledsims_coincidence_2[OF non_divergent_system]
      s_coupledsim_eq_parts by blast

end ―‹context @{locale lts_tau}›
text ‹The following example shows that a system might be related by s-coupled-simulation without
  being connected by coupled-simulation.›

datatype ex_state = a0 | a1 | a2 | a3 | b0 | b1 | b2 
locale ex_lts = lts_tau trans τ
  for trans :: ‹ex_state ⇒ nat ⇒ ex_state ⇒ bool› and τ +
  ‹trans = (λ p act q .
     1 = act ∧ (p = a0 ∧ q = a1 
              ∨ p = a0 ∧ q = a2 
              ∨ p = a2 ∧ q = a3 
              ∨ p = b0 ∧ q = b1 
              ∨ p = b1 ∧ q = b2) ∨
     0 = act ∧ (p = a1 ∧ q = a1))›
   ‹τ = 0›
lemma no_root_coupled_sim:
  fixes R1 R2
      ‹coupled_simulation_san12 R1 R2› and
      ‹R1 a0 b0› ‹R2 a0 b0›
proof -
      ‹weak_simulation R1› and
      ‹∀p q. R1 p q ⟶ (∃q'. q ⟼* tau  q' ∧ R2 p q')› and
      ‹weak_simulation (λp q. R2 q p)›
    using coupled unfolding coupled_simulation_san12_def by auto
  hence R1sim_rf:
      ‹⋀ p q. R1 p q ⟹
        (∀p' a. p ⟼a  p' ⟶
          (∃q'. R1 p' q' ∧ (¬ tau a ⟶ q ⇒a  q') ∧
          (tau a ⟶ q ⟼* tau  q')))›
    unfolding weak_simulation_def by blast
  have ‹a0 ⟼1 a1› using sys by auto
  hence ‹∃q'. R1 a1 q' ∧ b0 ⇒1 q'›
    using R1sim_rf[OF root(1), rule_format, of 1 a1] tau_def
    by (auto simp add: sys)
  then obtain q' where q': ‹R1 a1 q'› ‹b0 ⇒1 q'› by blast
  have b0_quasi_stable: ‹∀ q' . b0 ⟼*tau q' ⟶ b0 = q'›
    using steps_no_step[of b0 tau] tau_def by (auto simp add: sys)
  have b0_only_b1: ‹∀ q' . b0 ⟼1 q' ⟶ q' = b1› by (auto simp add: sys)
  have b1_quasi_stable: ‹∀ q' . b1 ⟼*tau q' ⟶ b1 = q'›
    using steps_no_step[of b1 tau] tau_def by (auto simp add: sys)
  have ‹∀ q' . b0 ⇒1 q' ⟶ q' = b1›
    using b0_quasi_stable b0_only_b1 b1_quasi_stable by auto
  hence ‹q' = b1› using q'(2) by blast
  hence ‹R1 a1 b1› using q'(1) by simp
  hence ‹R2 a1 b1›
    using b1_quasi_stable R1coupling by auto
  have b1_b2: ‹b1 ⟼1 b2›
    by (auto simp add: sys)
  hence a1_sim: ‹∃ q' . R2 q' b2 ∧ a1 ⇒1  q'›
    using `R2 a1 b1` R2sim b1_b2
    unfolding weak_simulation_def tau_def by (auto simp add: sys)
  have a1_quasi_stable: ‹∀ q' . a1 ⟼*tau q' ⟶ a1 = q'›
    using steps_loop[of a1] by (auto simp add: sys)
  hence a1_stuck: ‹∀ q' . ¬ a1 ⇒1 q'›
    by (auto simp add: sys)
  show ?thesis using a1_sim  a1_stuck by blast

lemma root_s_coupled_sim:
    ‹R1 ≡ λ a b .
      a = a0 ∧ b = b0 ∨
      a = a1 ∧ b = b1 ∨
      a = a2 ∧ b = b1 ∨
      a = a3 ∧ b = b2›
    ‹R2 ≡ λ a b .
      a = a0 ∧ b = b0 ∨
      a = a2 ∧ b = b1 ∨
      a = a3 ∧ b = b2›
      ‹s_coupled_simulation_san12 R1 R2›
  unfolding s_coupled_simulation_san12_def
proof safe
  show ‹weak_simulation R1›
    unfolding weak_simulation_def proof (clarify)
    fix p q p' a
    show ‹R1 p q ⟹ p ⟼a  p' ⟹ ∃q'. R1 p' q' ∧ (q ⇒^a  q')› 
      using step_tau_refl unfolding sys assms tau_def using sys(2) tau_def by (cases p, auto)
  show ‹weak_simulation (λp q. R2 q p)›
    unfolding weak_simulation_def proof (clarify)
    fix p q p' a
    show ‹R2 q p ⟹ p ⟼a  p' ⟹ ∃q'. R2 q' p' ∧ (q ⇒^a  q')› 
      using steps.refl[of _ tau] tau_def unfolding assms sys
      using sys(2) tau_def by (cases p, auto)
  fix p q
  assume ‹R1 p q› ‹stable_state p›
  thus ‹R2 p q› unfolding assms sys using sys(2) tau_def by auto
  fix p q
  assume ‹R2 p q› ‹stable_state q›
  thus ‹R1 p q› unfolding assms sys using tau_def by auto

end ―‹@{locale ex_lts}// example lts›
